In The Community
Bliss Not Burnout
Dr. Garceau is a #1 Best Selling Author! You can find your copy of “Bliss Not Burnout” here.
Dr. Garceau funds a scholarship every year to a student from Windsor High School that is pursuing a career in health.
Habitat for Humanity
Taking part in Habitat for Humanity Women Build
Continuing Education
Our team enjoys learning new things!
Meet Jeff, our invisalign representative. He aids in providing us with the most up to date information so we can provide Great New Smiles.
Meet Rachel, our ITero training specialist.
We love having dental students like Tobore come in and shadow our team!
Our team enjoys learning outside of the office at CSDA workshops.
Dr. Garceau loves to share her knowledge and education with future Physician Assistants as well as UCONN medical and dental students! Here she was speaking on how to screen for sleep apnea.
Dr. Garceau speaking about dental emergencies at The Connecticut Academy of Pas.
Having fun in and out of the Office
In addition to being a fantastic dentist, Dr. Garceau is a certified Kripalu yoga instructor. She has over 800 hours in training as a yoga and Ayurveda instructor.
Enjoying some good food and camaraderie at Tunxis Grill.
Our wonderful patients sponsored a hat and mitten drive for Windsor Social Services.
PC Development keeps our IT systems at their very best!